7 UpComing AI Trends for Mobile App Development

7 UpComing AI Trends for Mobile App Development

Artificial intelligence (AI) voice assistants are already in use by 97% of mobile users. 450M people were using voice assistants by the year 2024’s end. And what’s more astounding? The artificial intelligence app market is expected to have tremendous expansion from 2022, when it brought in an astounding $2.5 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of 38.3 percent until 2028. Not only are these data significant, but they also point to a change in our relationship with technology. All hail the day when artificial intelligence becomes an integral part of mobile app experiences, rather than an afterthought.


The use of AI in mobile app creation is becoming more popular this year. The business is changing because of these trends, which are also changing how people use their phones. AI is what’s making these exciting changes possible, from personalised experiences to smart processes.

Let’s break these trends down and look at how they lead to a future where phones are smarter and natural.

1. Customised experiences for users With AI

When AI is used to make mobile apps, personalised user experiences are very important. They are, of course, making apps easier to use, but they are also trying to make experiences that are meaningful to each person. AI algorithms are very important here because they carefully look at how people behave, what they like, and how they connect with each other. But what does this mean for problems in the real world?

When you start a shopping app, it shows you products right away that match your style and what you’ve already bought. That’s how AI works. Salesforce did a study that shows 76% of customers want businesses to know what they want and need. AI personalisation meets this need by providing material and features that are tailored to each person’s tastes. This makes every interaction feel like a unique journey.

  • The Data Is Key: Start by collecting a lot of information about your users. The more information you give your AI, the better it will be at making guesses and customising things for you.
  • AI Tools to Think About: Use AI tools like TensorFlow or IBM Watson to look at data about your users and make your site more personalised. These tools have powerful AI features that make the user experience better.
  • Testing and comments: Test all the time and ask users for comments. Remember that personalisation needs to change as the user’s tastes do.

This is shown by Spotify’s “Discover Weekly” AI looks at what you listen to and then offers a playlist every week that feels like it was put together just for you. This is a great example of personalisation powered by AI done right.

What We Can Learn from Spotify’s Unintentional Home Runs

  • Use AI to make your app more personalised if you want to stay ahead in the mobile app market.
  • Update your personalisation tools often based on what users say and how they behave.
  • Use AI to not only meet, but also go beyond what users expect, making an app experience that is memorable and one-of-a-kind.

AI-based personalisation is the way of the future for making mobile apps. It’s a strong way to get to know your users better and make sure they don’t just download your app; they love it and use it often.

2. The next big thing in mobile apps is intelligent automation

Intelligent automation, which is driven by AI, is another big trend that is changing how mobile apps are made. This trend isn’t just about saving time; it’s also about making the process of interacting with users and running back-end tasks smooth and easy to understand.

The Power of Smart Automation in Apps

Imagine that your app not only does what the user tells it to do, but it also knows what the user wants and does things automatically without being asked. For example, a fitness app that not only keeps track of your workouts but also makes personalised workout plans for you based on your success, the weather, and even your schedule. This level of automation is made possible by smart AI algorithms that can learn from how people use them and change based on their tastes and actions.

  • Embrace efficiency: A recent study found that 80% of people who use apps with AI chatbots are satisfied with them. This is because people like experiences that make their lives easier.
  • Things that developers need: Using tools like Google’s ML Kit or Microsoft Azure’s Cognitive Services can make it easy for app writers to add intelligent automation.
  • Loop of Feedback: Set up a feedback loop so that the automatic processes can be improved over time based on how people use them and what they like.

Important Key Points

  • Using AI to automate tasks in your app will make the experience better for users and keep them interested.
  • Keep your AI models up to date so they can change to how people use your site and their changing tastes.
  • To make sure the experience is comfortable and unique, try to find a mix between automation and user control.

Intelligent programming in mobile apps is a big step towards making apps more user-friendly and easy to use. From now on, makers who want to win will focus on making apps that do something useful and make users’ lives better.

3. AI-powered security will change the way mobile app safety works

In a time when digital risks change quickly, security that is improved by AI isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must. AI can improve security in more ways than one, with a focus on proactive threat detection and real-time reaction.

For example, AI can look at how people use a system to find strange things that might mean there is a security hole, like strange tries to log in or transactions that don’t seem right. Because of this, you’re keeping both the info and the user’s trust in your app.

  • A Security Must: Ellie Mae, a mortgage tech company, shows that security solutions that use AI can find threats 10 times faster than old-fashioned ones.
  • Tools for Better Security: Tools like IBM’s Watson for Cybersecurity can give you more information about threats.
  • Educating Users: Add AI features to mobile apps that teach users about security best practices. This way, users will be more involved in keeping their data safe.

Important Key Points

  • Add security features that are based on AI to your app to make it more resistant to online threats.
  • Keep your AI security measures up to date so they can keep up with the changing threats in the digital world.
  • To make sure users have a smooth experience, find a mix between strict security measures and ease of use.

Adding AI to mobile app security isn’t just a trend; it’s a necessary change. Threats are getting smarter, but AI is a moving shield that learns and changes to meet new challenges. It means making sure that your app is a safe place where people can use it without worrying.

4. Predictive analytics powered by AI will change how people interact in the future

This AI skill mixes looking at the past and predicting the future to make things easier for users and help them make decisions. AI is used in predictive analytics to look at large amounts of data, find patterns, and guess how users will behave and what trends will happen in the future.

For example, a shopping app can guess what people will buy next based on what they’ve bought in the past, which lets it make personalised product suggestions. With this method, users get content and suggestions that are relevant to their future needs, not just what they did in the past.

  • Changes in Engagement: The predictive recommendation engine is said to keep 80% of Netflix users interested, according to the company’s former vice president of innovation.
  • Tools we recommend: There are powerful predictive analytics features in tools like Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics that can be added to mobile apps.
  • Continuous Learning: Make sure that your AI systems are always picking up new information and using it to improve their predictions and suggestions.

Important Key Points

  • Use predictive data in your app to give users a more personalised experience and help you make smart business decisions.
  • To keep your predictive models correct and useful, you should look at and update your data sets on a regular basis.
  • Stay ahead of what users want by using predictive insights. This will give them a proactive experience instead of a reactive one.

When AI is used to power predictive analytics in mobile apps, interaction changes from being reactive to being proactive. AI can be used to not only meet user wants but also predict them. This makes app experiences smarter, more personalised, and more predictive.

5. Conversational interfaces powered by AI will change the way people talk to each other

Conversational AI is changing the way people connect with technology from a series of taps and swipes to natural, human-like conversations. Users can now connect with apps in a whole new way.

Imagine a fitness app that lets you set your workout goals and preferences just by talking to it, or a customer service app that can understand your questions and answer them right away. Advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning services and algorithms make this level of involvement possible. This makes the user experience easier to understand and more interesting.

A study of a chatbot that doesn’t use NLP and one that does.

  • Source: AI for Customer Service – Making smart helpers that can talk, Priyanka Bhatt, which was posted on the Walmart Global Tech Blog
  • Getting more popular: There are studies that show talking AI can make customers up to 40% happier.
  • Tools for Making Things: To add advanced conversational AI to your apps, use systems like Dialogflow or Amazon Lex.
  • Focusing on the user: Make your conversational interfaces as fluid and easy to use as you can, with the goal of giving users a smooth experience.

Important Key Points

  • Add conversational AI to your app to make it feel more natural and involved for users.
  • Your conversational AI should always be getting better based on user comments and data from interactions.
  • Make the AI talks as natural and human-like as you can so that users are more interested and satisfied.

Conversational AI changes the way people use mobile apps in a big way. If it’s built right, it gives users a more personalised, fun, and useful way to get the most out of their app experiences.

6. AI in Making Mobile Apps More Accessible

One important trend for AI is making mobile apps easier to use. This trend is all about making your apps more useful for everyone, even people with disabilities, by adding features that make them widely usable.

AI-driven accessibility breaks down barriers

Accessibility tools in mobile apps that are powered by AI are changing the way people with disabilities use them. Imagine a reading app that uses AI to turn text into speech for blind users or a social media app that lets the hearing impaired see captions in real time. Not only do these features encourage inclusion, but they also give all users the power to fully interact with the digital world.

AI technologies like natural language processing and picture and voice recognition make this level of accessibility possible. This means that apps are not only accessible, but also easy for everyone to use.

Inclusivity as a Standard: Data from the last few months shows that all user groups are happier with apps that have improved accessibility features.

Important Tools: Use AI tools like Apple’s VoiceOver or Google’s Cloud Vision API to make app features that everyone can use.

User feedback is very important: Get feedback from users with a range of accessibility needs on a regular basis so that these tools can be made better and better.

Important Key points

  • Add AI-enhanced accessibility tools to your app to make it more useful for more people.
  • Make sure these tools are always being tested and updated so they can meet the needs of all disabled users.
  • Use AI to not only meet accessibility standards, but to go above and beyond them, giving users an experience that can’t be beat.

Benefits for business owners of making apps accessible

AI’s part in making mobile apps more accessible is a step towards technology that is more understanding and open to everyone. It’s about using AI to make apps that connect with all users, no matter what skills they have.

7. Analysis of context and behaviour based on AI

Understanding and responding to the user’s present situation and behaviour patterns is what AI-driven contextual and behavioural analysis does. For example, a vacation app might suggest places to visit and things to do based on where the user is, what time of day it is, and what kind of trips they’ve already been on.

In the same way, a health app could change the tips and alerts it sends to users based on their current exercise level or health information. This level of understanding is made possible by advanced AI algorithms that look at a lot of different data points to give interactions that are highly personalised and right for the situation.

  • Tools we recommend: Use AI tools like machine learning frameworks and context-aware computing to help your app better understand and react to how users behave.
  • Making peace Personalisation and safety: Always strike a balance between giving users a personalised experience and protecting their information. Build trust by being clear about how data is used.

Important Key Points

  • Use AI to analyse environment and behaviour to give users experiences that are very specific to their needs.
  • Make sure that the AI algorithms in your app are always being updated to keep up with changing user habits.
  • When you gather and look at behavioural and contextual data, make sure that user consent and data privacy come first.

The addition of AI to mobile apps for environmental and behavioural analysis is a step towards smarter and more caring user experiences. AI helps us fully understand the user’s current situation and behaviour so we can react in a way that is relevant, interesting, and useful.

Now picture using all of this power in your next AI-powered mobile app project. In this case, Quick StartApps comes in handy. To stay ahead in the world of AI-powered mobile apps, you have to be open to change and new ideas. QuickStartApps is the best AI app creation company for you at this point because they know a lot about AI and how to make apps that users love.

The team at Quick StartApps is ready to make your ideas come to life, whether it’s making personalised experiences, making sure security is top-notch, or exploring new areas like AR/VR. With Quick Startapps, AI in mobile apps is no longer just a dream; it’s a real thing that can be made.

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